Posidonia 2022

Posidonia 2022

Out of sight, not out of action!

After a four year break the shipping community returns to Posidonia. Although the past four years have been the stage of crisis, operational and market change as well as worldwide disruption, the Greek fleet continues to play a key role in international shipping.

According to recent data and reports, in fact, Greek owners still have a pre-eminent market position, with around 20% of global dwt tonnage, and 16% by GT. The top 10 Greek shipping companies alone account for 5% of global capacity.

80% of the Greek fleet is under private ownership, the remaining in stock listed companies, underlining the strong cash positions backing their historical knack for intuitive timing across market cycles and fuelling quick decision making. They have enacted generational change whilst preserving heritage and improving flexibility and versatility.
The largest owning nations by aggregate GT after Greece, are China, Japan, the US and South Korea.

Market analysts point out that whilst Greek shipowners kept their positions on tankers and bulkers, their share in the global LNG fleet increased considerably since the last Posidonia, with further growth reportedly very likely. They are the leading S&P player, but have reduced their newbuilding presence.

“At Nordic Marine we are fortunate…”

to have many Greek clients and have consistently developed our presence in the Greek market in the past 5 years, to have three full time people working out of our Piraeus branch.

Nordic Irregular Blog
