Loss of Earnings with 7 days deductible is back!
Loss of Earnings with 7 days deductible is back!
14/90/90 at 2.00% or 7/97/97 at 2.40% … Should that be a question?
Let me expand on the background that has led to the somewhat provocative question I am asking.
For the last 25-30 years, ship owners have been buying conventional LoH on terms like 14/90/90, 14/180/180 or other variations of it but with the constant common feature that they must always retain the first 14 days cash flow exposure of a H&M casualty.
One of the answers is probably that for the last 25 to 30 years this has been the only available option to a shipowner, except for the domestic Japanese market.
Before that, conventional LoH was available in the marine insurance market worldwide with a lower deductible, usually 7 days, but underwriters stopped writing it after the losses in the 7 to 14 days’ layer of a casualty got too high and business became unsustainable.
With no longer that option available many first class owners were forced to switch to full self-insurance for the first 14 days.
« Both clients and brokers called for an alternative solution that did not need a “tailors’ hand”. »
Delays following damages discovered during drydocking are excluded.
Delays commencing more than 90 days after the first occurrence or commencement of the event are excluded, unless previously agreed otherwise in writing by underwriters.
No Reinstatement premium in case of claim, i.e.: cover is automatically reinstated at no extra cost, always subject to policy annual aggregate limit over all declared ships.
« Why does a shipowner retain the highest risk of 14 days when there is now an option to buy an insurance for it? »
The most common answer is that it is too expensive or yet another cost for a ship owner, and in this article I have decided to challenge the ratio leading many players to have this perception.
If we look at the most common LoH package, 14/90/90, the average rate for a ship owner with decent records will be around 2%, so with a declared daily insured amount of 10 000 USD the annual premium for one vessel will be USD 900 000* 2%, i.e. USD 18 000.
The actual cost
So, USD158,000 is the true cost that an owner will have to swallow before they start recovering from their conventional LoH policy, if of course their daily earning are of USD10,000, but recent freight market rates can dwarf that level.
It is almost as if the focus of an owner when they consider buying conventional LoH as cash flow protection is on when recovery starts, which in our view is not the best approach.
In fact, what good is it to know when you start recovering, if by then, you have already lost a fortune?
What does the above mean ?
Our underwriting process
A cover that can be taken with or without conventional LoH cover being in place.
A cover that Nordic is the only insurer to provide, thanks to the exceptional underwriting performance, track record and professional diversity of the UW team’s profile.